Ndiva Safaris

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Lake Manyara National Park

Attractions for the Tourist:

  • Tree-Climbing Lions:
    Lake Manyara is famous for its tree-climbing lions, a rare sight in Africa. Seeing these majestic animals lounging in the branches of acacia trees is a unique and unforgettable experience.
  • Flamingos at Lake Manyara:
    The lake is home to thousands of flamingos, especially during the wet season. Witnessing the pink-hued waters of the lake dotted with these elegant birds is a sight to behold.
  • Scenic Views:
    The park offers stunning views of the lake itself, the Great Rift Valley escarpment, and the diverse landscapes within the park. The viewpoints along the way provide excellent photo opportunities.
  • Bird Watching:
    Lake Manyara is a paradise for bird watchers, with over 400 species of birds recorded in the park. Keep an eye out for pelicans, storks, and other waterfowl along the lake’s shores.

Things to Do:

  • Game Drives:
    Explore the park on a game drive to spot the diverse wildlife, including the elusive tree-climbing lions.
  • Nature Walks:
    Take a guided nature walk to explore the park on foot and get a closer look at the flora and fauna.
  • Canoeing:
    Experience the beauty of Lake Manyara up close by taking a canoe safari on the lake.

Fun Facts about Lake Manyara National Park:

  • The park is home to the alkaline Lake Manyara, which covers about two-thirds of the park’s total area.
  • The park was established in 1960 and covers an area of 330 square kilometers.
  • Lake Manyara is one of the few places in Africa where you can see tree-climbing lions.

Best Time to Visit Lake Manyara National Park:

The best time to visit Lake Manyara National Park is during the dry season, from June to September, when the wildlife congregates around the lake and is easier to spot.


  1. Can you see flamingos in Lake Manyara National Park?
    Yes, Lake Manyara is home to thousands of flamingos, especially during the wet season.

  2. Are there accommodations inside the park?
    Yes, there are several lodges and campsites inside the park where visitors can stay overnight.

  3. Is it safe to visit Lake Manyara National Park?
    Yes, Lake Manyara National Park is considered safe for visitors, but it’s always advisable to follow the guidance of park rangers and take necessary precautions.

How can we help you?

By planning carefully and choosing the right experiences, you can create an unforgettable adventure for your entire family.